Form Notifier – Privacy Policy


Forms to lead is a Google Workspace Marketplace app designed to capture the form submissions from Google Forms and notify you about them using the convenient communication channels.

This privacy policy describes the type of data we collect from users and how we use the personal data. Please take time to read it carefully. Accessing this website ( and the product (Form Notifier)automatically implies that you agree with this privacy policy.

The data we collect and use

Personal data – we collect email address, full name, and photo URL from users through Google account and OAuth sign in services or directly in our app.We cannot access or store your Google passwords. OAuth also allows secure access to the user’s data, as required by the add-ons, and the data resides strictly inside your Google account. We store your full name and email.

Technical and browser data – includes your browser type and version, time zone setting and location, language settings, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices you use to access this product.

Logs/activity data – we collect the usage logs from our apps to help us investigate the possible issues and improve our product. We collect the detailed data about the steps users have taken to perform a task.

Financial data – we use third party online payment processing platforms such as Stripe to process the payment. The third party online payment processing platforms may collect and store your payment card details but we do not store or collect such information on our website or product databases.

Product data – we store the information about how you use our Website and products.We store all the information you entered through forms and product fields. This includes notification settings, email templates and to/from emails and text messages.

Marketing and communication data – includes your preferences in receiving marketing messages from us.

The user data from Google Forms – we store the data from your Google form. We access and store the form information like: the form’s name, available fields and data types. We also store the name of the creator of the form. When you open our plugin inside the Google Forms, our plugin automatically pulls out all the real-time data and changes from the specific Google Forms you are working on.

If you don’t use our plugin while working on the form, we don’t access the form. We also don’t see what other forms you have or published. Once you open our plugin from Google forms, our app will automatically have access to all the details of your active form.

Once you publish your form, and your customers start responding, the submit button in the Google form will trigger our bots in the background. Those bots then take the response data, insert it into a template and then send it to the people you specified. You can read more about the data we use from Google in the Google User Data Handling section of this document.

Google user data handling

Form Notifier is designed as a G Suite Marketplace application. We adhere to the best practices of secure enterprise application development set by Google. We use OAuth 2.0 for G Suite authentication and authorization. Our application doesn’t work with nor doesn’t access any data in consumer Google accounts.

The list below contains all the scopes we use for API access to customer data. The scopes are the permissions which we ask you to give us on the login and consent screen. We also specify for what exact purpose we need it. We often use only a small part of the granted access level.

  • We ask your permission to open our addon in a sidebar and a dialog box inside the Google Form using the: scope.
  • – We have a form submit trigger event which handles form data response, and converts it to HTML and it will send by email. We need this scope to run this trigger.
  • We ask your permission for sending an email on your behalf using the scope: You can define the sender’s name and email address on the interface. Usually, it will be sent on your behalf. You cannot indicate somebody else rather than yourself in the email field. However you can edit the subject and from the name.
  • In case the mail sender in GMAIL API fails, we use the scope to proceed sending the email.
  • We use the scope to communicate with external entities. We generate html content for users based on form elements and store by user. This API endpoint requires setting API KEY in order to work.
  • We obtain permission to view and manage your forms in Google drive. We can only view and manage the details of your form only when you open our plugin while editing the specific form. We use the following scope for this task:

How we collect the information about you

We use different methods to collect data from you and about you.

Direct interactions – you may give us your identity and contact information when

  • Signing up for the service at Google Apps Marketplace
  • Subscribe to our emails
  • Give us feedback or contact us

Third parties – we may collect data from third parties and social networks. We use Google Analytics to learn about our users.

The data you give us from Google – we ask you to give us the minimum permissions we need in order for our app to operate. We don’t request more permission than the apps require. For some permissions, we don’t use them to the full extent. We can access your google forms, we can send email on your behalf and view the input values your forms received in your domain.

We collect form submission data from Google in order to notify you about the incoming response through email or text message service. When your customer submits the responses through Google Form, the trigger will activate our application, which in turn will insert all form responses in the email (or text)template you specified. The trigger will fire the email/text message notification service. The app will email/text you the response details. We store the content of the email entirely for audit/logging purposes. We do not share the email content with any third party.

Cookies – we use cookies to store some information about your active session and some program details on your computer. A cookie is a small file placed on the hard drive. If you don’t want our app to use the cookies you can disable them in your browser settings. However, some features of the plugin may not work properly if you do so.

How we use the information

  • We use your personal information to identify you and your company in our product.
  • We use your email in order to notify you about the changes in product and the product updates
  • To provide you with notices about your account and subscription, including expiration and renewal notices.
  • We also use the information you gave us such as form input fields to analyze and improve our app.
  • We access your email in order to notify you about the form submission. We can email customers on your behalf if you specify it in the app settings. We keep the log of all sent emails to investigate possible future errors and inconsistencies.

Data Security

We take all necessary steps to protect your information from unauthorized access or disclosure. We use third party servers to store your data. We use secure socket layering technology (SSL) to transmit the data securely from the web.

Disclosure of your information

We reserve the right to disclose your personal information as required by law, such as to comply with a subpoena, bankruptcy proceedings or similar legal process, and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our website.

Retention and Deletion of User Data

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. When we no longer have a legitimate need to process your personal information, we will securely delete your data.Upon cessation of your use of our application, your data will be securely erased and will not be utilized in our internal marketing initiatives.

GDPR Compliance

If you live in the EU, you have certain data protection rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At Apps Record, we are committed to providing the individuals greater control over the processing of their data. Your rights under GDPR include:

  • Right to request information. You have the right to enquire about the processing of your personal data, including if you feel information is missing from this Privacy Notice.
  • Right to access. You have the right to access your personal data.
  • Right to rectification. You have the right to ask us to correct errors, or to complete omissions, in your Personal Data
  • Right to erase. You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data any time.
  • Right to object. You have the right to ask us to stop processing personal data.
  • Right to restriction of processing. You have the right to limit processing your personal data
  • Right to data portability. You have the right to receive, or have us transmit to another person, a portable copy of your personal data

If you want to know more about those conditions, or if you would like to exercise one or more of the rights above, please contact us at Apps Record will never discriminate against individuals who exercise their legal rights concerning their personal data.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

If we make major changes on how we treat your personal information, we will notify you by email to the primary email address specified in your account. We will keep publishing the small changes to our privacy policy. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date privacy policy by periodically visiting our Website and this privacy policy to check for any updates.